Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: FX Series Remote Appliance
FX Series Remote Appliance
Theory of Operation
The FX Series Remote software can run on the FX4010, the FX-4000, the FX-1005, the FX-1010 and the FX-
1000. The FX Series Remote accelerates traffic by intercepting user requests and forwarding them to the
FX Series ADC. The FX Series ADC applies deflate compression, image transformation, static and dynamic
content caching. The FX Series Remote applies static content caching, dynamic content caching, deflate
compression, Dynamic Data De-duplication, persistent connections, connection multiplexing, client side
connection termination, and TurboStreaming. To the client, the FX Series Remote appears to be the back-
end server. When in a two-way configuration the FX Series Remote will communicate with the FX Series
ADC via the port that the client is connecting by default. If the FX Series Remote is configured to connect
to a specific FX Series ADC then port 4922 will be used. If a connection to the FX Series ADC is not able to
be achieved then the remote appliance will go into a “pass-through” mode where the requests will be
directed to the target content server.
Most FX Series Remote configuration is accomplished with an easy-to-use browser-based tool to set
polices on the FX Series ADC appliance. The configuration policies are designed to provide full inheritance
properties, meaning that most configuration settings are shared between all FX Series Remote appliances,
but individual over-rides can be set for specific FX Series Remote appliances. Examples of policy-based
settings include:
Bandwidth reservation and prioritization
HTTP application optimization
Compression and caching settings for HTTP, CIFS, POP3, SMTP, and FTP
Header Compression
As real time traffic moves to IP, there is a proliferation of traffic with small payloads. In this case, the
header bytes can be 2 to 4 times the number of payload bytes. For small voice packets, compression can
result in reducing the required data rate to 30 – 50% of the original. The FX aggregates packets into an
Ethernet frame and sends it to a peer, where the packets are restored.
Wanop Optimization and Data Compression
All TCP traffic between the FX Series Remote is compressed using intelligent data dictionaries to ensure
that repeated patterns are eliminated from subsequent accesses. Several techniques are utilized to
guarantee that the TCP communications between the FX Series Remote and the FX Series head-end
appliance are fully optimized, including:
"High-speed TCP for Large Congestion Windows"
Moves data streams over multiple concurrent TCP connections between FX Series Remote appliances
and FX Series head-end appliance. This insulates the FX Series from intermittent packet loss, as data
is almost always going at full speed over at least one of the connections.
HTTP Optimization
The optimization techniques of FX Series client acceleration are built into the FX Series Remote
appliance, resulting in highly optimized delivery of HTTP applications to remote site users without
having to deploy software on individual computers. Some of the optimizations that FX Series Remote
appliance can apply to HTTP applications include:
Caching of static objects, Cache differencing of dynamic content and Cookie Compression