Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: FX Series Status
Section: FX Series ADC Status
FX Series ADC Current Statistics
This screen allows you to view various reports generated by the ADC. On most of the reports, you can hit
the “F5” key and your browser will update the report. Note that the FX Series Remote has only a subset of
the reports of the FX Series ADC.
Figure 6-3 FX Series ADC Current Status Menu
Acceleration Statistics
This is a recording of the acceleration tallies that have accumulated since the last time that they were
cleared or since the FX Series software was last restarted.
Aggregate Statistics:
This shows tallies of many acceleration techniques.
By L7 HTTP Policy:
This shows counters on a per L7 HTTP policy basis
By L5 Application Policy:
This shows counters on a per L5 Application policy basis
Current Connections:
This shows a report of remote clients currently connected.
Throughput Statistics
This is a recording of FX Series ADC throughput statistics based on current statistics since either the last
time that the statistics were cleared or the configured “throughput statistics interval” has elapsed. The
“delta” value in the upper-left corner of the report indicates the number of seconds that elapsed in the
throughput interval. A snapshot of the current statistics was taken “delta” seconds ago; each counter in
this snapshot is then subtracted from corresponding counter in the “current statistics”. The remainders
are then divided by the “delta” value to yield throughput values on a “per second” basis. It is possible
that some of the values in the report are negative, meaning that a counter declined at a certain rate (for
example CPU utilization may go down) over the throughput interval. The size of the throughput log file is
relatively constant.
Port Statistics:
This provides summary traffic counters for each port definition
WCCP Status:
This provides a summary status of all of the service groups that the ADC is a member of. This report
includes redirection maps and other important counters.