For most CrossLock connec ons, the sliders should be le at their default Automa c Delay Mode se ngs. However,
during connec ons on unusual networks, these sliders are available to quickly adjust the current delay se ngs.
The most powerful way to stabilize any streaming connec on is to have the decoder add a delay bu
er to the
connec on. This compensates for changes in the rate packets are received (known as ji er). CrossLock uses a
combina on of decode delay bu
ering and error correc on to keep connec ons stable.
At the start of a CrossLock connec on, the sliders are in “Automa c Delay” mode and the informa on on the sliders
is purely for informa onal purposes. Clicking o
the “Automa c Delay” op on sets the system to “Manual Delay”
mode and allows the slider to be moved with a mouse (see
Figure 23)
. The en re slider is scalable, and the range
of it from le to right will vary from one hundred milliseconds to several seconds depending on the range of delays
currently being addressed. The sliders will reset when a CrossLock connec on ends.
In either Auto or Manual mode, a series of color bars are overlayed on the slider, to signify delay “zones” of
safety. As shown in
Figure 23
, furthest le is the red zone, which indicates a bu
er level that is too low for stable
transmission. The yellow zone indicates a delay bu
er that may have stability issues, and the green zone indicates
a bu
er level that should provide more stability. These “zones” scale, increase and decrease in size based on the
history of ji er experienced by CrossLock on the network. In “Automa c Delay” mode, the dark dot signi
es the
Current Delay
, which is the best compromise value calculated by the system to balance stability and delay. Upon
switching to “Manual Delay” mode, the
Current Delay
dot will move to follow where the
Target Delay
indicator is
Please note: These sliders are intended for quick changes during an ac ve connec on. Any se ngs made in
Manual Mode will be erased a er the current CrossLock session is terminated. In order to make delay bu
changes permanent, use the se ngs in the “Pro
le Manager” Tab as outlined in the next sec on.
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