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C O L L A B O R A T E L I V E : U s e r G u i d e
Session multicasting allows you to broadcast your session using the multicasting networking
transport technology, which allows users to send a video stream that can be received by
multiple recipients, all listening on a single multicast address. Multicasting a session from your
COLLABORATE® Live 600 allows numerous passive viewers to view the session. This is
typically used at lectures, or any session that passive viewers can benefit from. Multicast
sessions can be viewed by all ClearOne endpoints and the Apple QuickTime viewer.
The Multicast Settings window allows you to define how multicast sessions are initiated by
To access the multicast settings
1. Select Streaming.
The below screen refers to SDP streaming mode.
In the Multicast Settings window, set the following options and parameters
Multicast IP Address
– IP Address and gateway. The IP is dynamic according to
unit's IP. The first subgroup of the IP format (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD) is set to 239
according to the standard. You can change it to any value from 224 to239, and you can
also change the rest of the sub groups (not recommended for multicast
– Maximum bandwidth (in Kbps) allowed for outgoing multicast streams.
Video Format
– The digital encoding format using during the multicast transmission;
by default, is set to H.264.
Video Port
– Number of the port through which the video multicast passes.
Video Resolution
– Select the required video resolution from the drop- down list.
Audio Format
– The Audio codec responsible during the transmission; by default, is
set to AAC-LD.
Audio Port
– Number of the port through which the audio multicast passes.