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C O L L A B O R A T E L I V E : U s e r G u i d e
2. In the Admin Settings window, set the following options and parameters.
Block Incoming SIP Calls
Enable to auto reject only incoming SIP calls.
Enable adaptive bandwidth Adjustment
Enables videoconferences to proceed at
reduced bandwidth if the network is congested. Deselecting this option maintains a
constant quality to the session, but it may cause network problems
Enable H.239
– Enables data sharing protocols.
Force FEC
– Force Forward Error Correction (FEC) – Forwards an error-correction
code instead of automatically adjusting the bandwidth.
Enable Audio Codec AAC-LD:
– Audio Codec: audio compression format designed
to combine the advantages of perceptual audio coding with the low delay necessary
for two-way communication.
Enable Audio Codec G722.1 Annex C
– Audio Codec: wide-band compression
algorithm provides higher-than-toll quality speech. The codec operates between a
wide-band, 50Hz to 7kHz signal range, at the G.722.1 standard bit rate of 24kbps and
32kbps. GAO's G.722.1 algorithm is in the form of fixed-point arithmetic and is based
on the Modulated Lapped Transform (MLT).
Enable H.264 High Profile
– When selected, enables the system to operate in high
profile mode.
Encryption mode
– Encryption Mode - Calling securely requires setting the encryption
protocol or using defaults which include automatic encryption. Alternatively, you can
disable the encryption if it is not needed. Calls that are made using encryption will
have a lock icon on the right-bottom corner of the screen.
–The default option; enables encryption automatically.
–An encryption algorithm included in the H.235 security protocol.
No Encryption
–No encryption will be used.
MTU (100
– Set the designated MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) value. The
default value is 1200. Applies only to RTP streams.
Maximum Outgoing Bandwidth
– Maximum upload bandwidth (0 for unlimited).
Maximum Incoming Bandwidth
– Maximum download bandwidth (0 for unlimited).