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C O L L A B O R A T E L I V E : U s e r G u i d e
3. If a password was set for Web access (see Administration Settings): in the
Password field, enter your password for accessing the management options, and
then click Login.
If the password is authenticated, the management options page appears.
You can view in your browser any stream that has started on COLLABORATE® Live. The
stream may be of whatever is currently being captured by the video camera and microphone
that are connected to COLLABORATE® Live.
The stream is viewed in the browser using Windows Media Player for WMV stream or VLC
player for MP4 stream.
Viewing a stream does not require you to enter your password and
you do not have to log in.
To view a stream session:
Open your browser.
In the b
rowser’s address bar, type the direct IP Address of the COLLABORATE Live unit.
The COLLABORATE® Live Web login page appears.
View Stream
; a new browser window opens and displays the stream on a page
embedded in Windows Media Player or VLC player.