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C O L L A B O R A T E L I V E : U s e r G u i d e
Refer to Web Access and Management for information on recording and streaming
via the Internet.
You can start streaming in Idle mode. In order to stream video and shared data
check ‘Record and Stream Data’ in Recording settings.
Press on the streaming button on the remote control
You can stop the streaming when it is no longer needed. To stop streaming:
Select Live Streaming>Stop Streaming. The message "Do you want to stop
Streaming?" Press Yes.
Press on the streaming button on the remote control
When streaming in idle mode (not during a videoconference), you can stop the
streaming by pressing the End Call button on the remote control. A confirmation
message appears and requires you to select Yes.
You can view the streaming in either of the following ways:
From the COLLABORATE® Live Web management application (see Web Access and
Management) by clicking View Stream button on the left menu. This takes you to a
page with the proper media player embedded in the webpage, displaying the ongoing
To watch WMV streaming on your computer, open Windows Media Player and press
Ctrl+U and enter the following: http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT where IP_ADDRESS is the
unit IP and the port is the streaming port (Default value is 12100).