VLAN Management
Regular VLANs
Cisco 350, 350X and 550X Series Managed Switches, Firmware Release 2.4, ver 0.4
In addition to VLAN tunneling, the device supports VLAN One-to-One Mapping. In VLAN
One-to-One Mapping, on an edge interface (an edge interface is an interface where a customer
network is connected to the provider edge switch), C-VLANs are mapped to S-VLANs and the
original C-VLAN tags are replaced by the specified S-VLAN. Untagged frames are dropped.
When a frame is sent on non-edge tagged interface, it is sent with a single VLAN tag, namely
that of the specified S-VLAN. The Service VLAN Tag is preserved while traffic is forwarded
through the service provider’s infrastructure network. On the egress device, the S-VLAN tag is
replaced with the C-VLAN tag when a frame is sent to an edge interface.
In the VLAN-mapping one-to-one mode, an interface belongs to all S-VLANs for which
mapping on this interface is defined as an egress-tagged interface. The interface PVID is set to
VLAN Mapping
To configure a VLAN mapping:
VLAN Management
VLAN Translation > VLAN Mapping
A table of previously-defined VLAN mappings setting is displayed.
Select one of the following Mapping Types:
One to One
—Select this option to display and edit settings of the interface set to one-
to-one VLAN mapping mode.
Tunnel Mapping
—Select this option to display and edit settings of the interface set to
Tunnel VLAN mapping mode.
and enter the following fields:
—Select the port.
Interface VLAN Mode
—Displays the current interface mode.
Mapping Type
—Select one of the following:
One to One
—Select this option to define one-to-one VLAN mapping settings.
Tunnel Mapping
—Select this option to define tunnel VLAN mapping settings..
One to One Translation
—This option is displayed if you selected the one-to-one
option in Mapping Type selection. Select one of the following:
Source VLAN
—Configure the ID of the customer VLAN (C-VLAN) that will be
translated to S-VLAN (translated VLAN).