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An in flated tir e and rim can be very dangerous. Many a ccid en ts,
so m e fatal, have resu lted from im proper handling and operation of truck
r im s and w h e e ls. It i s , th erefore, of the utm ost im portance that the
p recau tion s outlined in th is section be carefully noted by a ll p e r so n s
concerned in ord er to avoid personal injuries and c o stly dam age.
(R efer to F igu re 20)
C om pletely D eflate T ire P r io r to Demounting
(R efer to F ig. 20, View A)
If eith er rim or rin gs a re dam aged or ring
appears to be unseated, the tir e should be deflated
p r io r to rem oval of the tir e and rim assem b ly
from the v eh icle.
F ir s t, reduce the p r e s s u r e by pushing the
plunger, then rem ove the en tire co r e . Keep your
e y e s away from the valve.
R em ove valve co re to en su re com plete de
flation .
F ollow R ecom m ended Dem ounting P ro ced u res
S ee p reviou s p a g es of th is sectio n for demount
ing in stru ctio n s.
Check F or D am aged or Worn P a r ts
Mark d efectiv e p a rts for destruction to p re
clude th eir future u se .
R ep lace Dam aged P a rts
Abuse during road op eration s or in mounting
the tir e can cau se dents, cra ck s o r d isto rtio n s which
weaken the p a rts and p reven t sa fe , proper a s s e m
BEFORE mounting a tir e and a sse m b lin g the
rim , in sp ect the rim p a rts ca refu lly for damage,
ru st, and d istortion . Avoid the u se of r im s, locking
rin g s or flan ges which a r e out of shape, rusted,
o r broken. Avoid the u se of a ring or rim p arts of
d ifferen t m anufacture than the rim , or of any dif
feren t s iz e or type than the rim .
A void the u se of any lubricant which contains
w ater or solven t that is injurious to rubber. A com
bination lubricant and ru st-p re v en tiv e compound is
p r efera b le . T his p ro tectiv e m ea su re is of particular
im portance with d ro p -cen ter tu b e le ss r im s a s the
a ir in the tir e is contained by the t ir e - s id e rim
su r fa c e .
R em ove Rust and Other F oreign M atter
Accum ulation of such m aterial in the rim gut
te r can prevent the prop er fitting of rin g s. P a rts
that a re e x c e s s iv e ly corroded a re w eakened and
should be rep laced . U se of a rust p reven tive co m
pound (not containing water) during mounting w ill
m in im ize rusting.
Do Not U se O v er-S ize or O ver-Inflated T ires
U se only p re fe r r ed or a lte r n a te -s iz e r im s for
tires and do not exceed recommended air p ressu res
(see pages 77 and 78). These are common causes of
rim failures and accidents.
Follow R ecom m ended Mounting P ro ced u res
See previou s p ages of th is sectio n for mounting
in stru ctio n s.
ADDED PRECAUTION: R e-ch eck a sse m b lie s
just prior to inflation, p a rticu la rly if they have
been rolled a c r o s s the flo o r or have rec e iv ed rough
handling betw een mounting and inflation.
Rim Ring Seating (F ig. 20, V iew B)
MAKE CERTAIN the rim ring is seated to the
full depth of the groove, fits tightly a ll around, and
is se c u r e ly locked. With certain types of w h eels,
how ever, it is n e c e ssa r y to se a t the rings w hile the
tir e is being inflated. In eith er c a s e BEFORE in
Safety D ev ice or Cage (F ig. 20, V iew C & F ig . 21)
able device can be u sed with a ll typ es of w h eels
and rim s.
Or, if the a ssem b ly is not of the type which
req u ires inflation to sea t the rin g s, a SAFETY
CAGE can be u sed . T his is recom m en ded to p r e
vent p erson al injury during inflation. An inflated
tir e contains potentially e x p lo siv e energy that can
blow rings lo o s e . A clip -o n type a ir chuck should
a lso be used, so that the op erator can stand to one
sid e during tir e inflation.
Avoid a p osition w here the fa ce or body is
im m ediately over the work being done on any tir e