![Chevrolet 40 Series 1972 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 51](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/chevrolet/40-series-1972/40-series-1972_service-manual_2597768051.webp)
Sec. 7C
P age 49
IMPORTANT: The v e h ic le 's radiator not only
c o o ls the engine coolant, but a lso co o ls the tran s
m issio n o il. It is im p erative that the coolant be at
the proper le v e l at a ll tim e s, oth erw ise insufficient
heat d issipation from tr a n sm issio n o il w ill result.
An o il co o ler located in the radiator, through
which tr a n sm issio n o il is circu lated b efore return
ing to the oil pan, d issip a te s heat crea ted b y normal
operation of the torque con verter and tra n sm issio n .
If a tr a n sm issio n failu re o ccu rs which c a u se s fo r
eign m atter to be ca r rie d into the o il c o o ler, the
c o o ler and a ll connecting lin es should be thorough
ly cleaned by flushing b efore tr a n sm issio n is put
back into operation.
It is im portant that follow ing tra n sm issio n
m alfunctions, the tr a n sm issio n o il co o ler be prop
erly flushed sin c e foreign p a r tic le s lodged in the
c o o ler eventually b ecom e fr e e and can ca u se a r e
peated tr a n sm issio n fa ilu r e. If the oil co o ler and
lin e s are properly flushed, the p o ssib ility of these
trou b les reoccu rrin g after the tr a n sm issio n has
been repaired is elim inated or substantially r e
W henever an internal difficulty o ccu rs in the
tra n sm issio n which would resu lt in clutch plate
m aterial or m etal p a r tic le s being distributed
throughout the o il sy ste m , the o il co oler should be
thoroughly flushed a s outlined in the follow ing text,
then an au xiliary filte r in sta lled in the c o o ler r e
turn line b efore the v eh icle is returned to ser v ic e :
1. D iscon n ect both o il co o ler lin es at the fit
tings at sid e of tr a n sm issio n c a se , or if an a u x il
iary filte r has been p rev io u sly in sta lled , d isco n
nect co o ler return lin e at filte r instead of at the
tr a n sm issio n . (Change auxiliary filte r elem ent.)
2. B a ck -flu sh the o il c o o le r and lin e s using
clean solven t and c o m p ressed a ir.
CA U TIO N : DO NOT exceed 100 psi
a ir pressure.
3. R em ove all rem aining cleaning solven t
from the sy ste m with co m p r e sse d a ir.
4. Flush the cooling sy ste m again with DEX -
RON® tr a n sm issio n fluid. A fter the final flush,
te st the o il co o ler for fr e e flow of o il, and if the
flow is r e str ic ted , the radiator bottom tank and
co oler a ssem b ly m ust be rep laced .
j l i a
/ u
f .
The Spicer 6041 and 7041 A uxiliary T ra n sm is
s io n s have new mountings for th is year as shown in
figu re 2.
A uxiliary tr a n sm issio n replacem ent
p roced u res are d escrib ed as follow s:
7. P o sitio n a su itab le dolly or jack under the
tra n sm issio n and adjust to sa fely carry the weight
of the tr a n sm issio n .
8. Rem ove attaching p arts from auxiliary
1. Drain lubricant from auxiliary tr a n sm is
sio n .
2. D isconnect p ro p eller sh afts from input and
output ends of tr a n sm issio n . R efer to "PROPEL
LER SHAFTS” (SEC. 4D) in this supplem ent.
NOTE: Support p ro p eller sh afts se c u r e ly to
p revent damage from dropping.
3. D iscon n ect shift control rods fro m th efro n t
of the tr a n sm issio n .
4. D iscon n ect sp eed om eter cable from adap
te r at rear of the tr a n sm issio n .
5. D isconnect parking brake linkage (when
used ).
6. R em ove a ll connections to the auxiliary
tr a n sm issio n power ta k e-o ff (when u sed).
Figure J —Front M ount In sta lle d