3D ActiveTrac
Treatment Phase Indicator and Timer
The Treatment Phase indicator tells you the current phase of
treatment. The time indicated below the Treatment Phase
indicator is the time left in the phase (it counts down). The four
possibilities are:
1 . Ramp Up Time
Indicates the system is in the ramp up phase and displays
the time left in this phase.
2 . Ramp Down Time
Indicates the system is in the ramp down phase and
displays the time left in this phase.
3 . Hold Time
Indicates the system is in the Hold phase (maximum force)
if in Intermittent mode, or in regular treatment phase if in
Static mode.
4. Rest Time
Indicates the system is in the Rest phase (lesser force) if in
Intermittent mode. This phase will not apply if in Static
Pressing Stop releases the force, resets the timer and force
settings, and returns the TCP to the Welcome screen. Press
Stop if you wish to reset all parameters and start over from the
Pressing Pause suspends the treatment. The current force is
held, the timer is stopped but not cleared. The screen will revert
to the Time/Force Set screen, where you can adjust settings.
When you are done making adjustments, press the Start icon
on the Time/Force Set screen to resume the treatment. If the
force has been adjusted, the timer will not start timing until the
new force setting is reached. If the time has been adjusted, the
new settings will take effect immediately.
After the treatment:
When the treatment time indicator counts down to zero, the
ramp down phase begins, and is counted down on the ramp
down time indicator. After ramp down, the force is at 0 and the
TCP returns to the Welcome Screen.