3D ActiveTrac
Pressing this icon will toggle between the Static and the
Intermittent modes of operation. The Static mode ramps up
to a selected force and then holds that force for the entire
treatment time. The Intermittent mode ramps up to a selected
maximum force and then alternates between that maximum
force and a lesser force for the entire treatment time. The
maximum force is applied during the Hold cycle. The lesser
force is applied during the Rest cycle. Hold and Rest forces and
times are set in subsequent configuration screens. Select the
desired mode by pressing the icon until the desired mode is
shown. After your first use, the default will be whatever you
selected on the last treatment session.
Pressing this icon will toggle between pounds (lbs) and
kilograms (kg). Select the desired mode by pressing the icon
until the desired mode is shown. After your first use, the default
will be whatever you selected on the last treatment session.
Pressing Next advances to the next screen. Press Next when
you have finished selecting Static or Intermittent mode; and
lbs or kg. If you are in the intermittent mode, the Next icon
will advance to the Ramp Setup Screen. If you are in the Static
Mode, the Next icon will advance to the Time/Force Set Screen.
Pressing Back returns to the previous screen. Press Back if you
wish to change a selection on a previous screen.