3-4. Ash
Some ash, but not more than three inches, on the sides and bottom of the
firebox is necessary for the proper operation of the outdoor furnace (as shown).
No ash should cover the mixing channel (the area alongside the secondary air
charge tube). Ash acts as an insulator, keeping the glowing coals in the bottom
of the firebox hot enough to restart the fire. For best performance and for a
clean, efficient burn
, a shallow bed (3 inches or less) of loose coals (without
ash) should be raked back over the mixing channel if possible.
1. Remove enough ash to keep the combustion air outlets free of obstruction.
Air Outlets
(one side of firebox
shown - same on
other side)
Secondary Air
Charge Tube
Keep the combustion air outlets open and clear of ash
and coals to allow the furnace to operate properly.
2. Remove any heavy or solidified ash.
Always wear the appropriate personal protective gear when cleaning ash from the
firebox and the Reaction Chamber.
3. Disposal of ashes - Ashes should be placed in a steel container
with a tight-fitting lid. The container of ashes should be placed on a
noncombustible floor or on the ground, well away from combustible
materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in
soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be retained in the closed
container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other waste shall not
be placed in this container.