Cold Start Initial Fire Up
Kindling Approximately
15" (38 cm)
© 2015 Central Boiler
6. Allow the wood load to burn until the kindling turns to coals (for Classic
Edge 750 models, leave the bypass door open); then add enough kindling
again to fill the firebox about 1/4 full. On top of the kindling, add 8-10
inches (20-25 cm) of dry, seasoned split wood. Close and latch the firebox
7. For Classic Edge 750 models, wait for 15 seconds; then slowly pull the
bypass door handle toward the front of the furnace and push down to
close the bypass door.
8. After the water temperature is above 150˚F (66˚C), proceed to Adding
Heat Load.
Adding Heat Load
NOTE: During initial start-up, a considerable amount of moisture from condensation will
collect inside the firebox and heat exchanger and may drip out of the Reaction Chamber
door. This is normal and the moisture will evaporate after the first couple of fuel loads.
1. With no heat load draw in the system, monitor the operation of the
outdoor furnace until the water temperature reaches the water temperature
2. Turn on the pump(s); then start a heat load draw in the system by turning
up the thermostat in the house. Monitor the outdoor furnace for one hour
or until another cycle occurs (i.e., outdoor furnace goes from combustion
to idle mode). If the water temperature drops and does not recover to the
water temperature setpoint within one hour of starting the heat load draw,
the heat load draw should be shut off, allowing the furnace to cycle to the
idle mode again.
NOTE: The outdoor furnace will not operate satisfactorily if the heat load is higher than
the output capacity of the outdoor furnace.
3. At this point, there should be glowing coals established in the bottom of
the firebox. The firebox can be filled with dry, seasoned split wood.
Load wood to reduce
condensation - this means
adding only enough wood
each time to maintain the
fire for 12 hours.