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7.10 Maintenance After Use
Maintenance After Use in Normal Conditions
• After using the machine, remove any mud, water, or other foreign matter stuck to the machine.
Do not wash the engine or control panel with water. This will allow water to enter and lead to rust.
• When leaving the machine outdoors, cover it with a waterproof cover.
Maintenance After Use in Cold Weather
• After using the machine, remove any mud, water, or other foreign matter stuck to the machine.
Then park the machine on concrete or firm dry ground, or set it on blocks.
If water or mud stuck to the machine freezes, it may cause failure. (In extremely cold areas,
put wooden blocks under the crawlers at right angles to the machine.)
• When leaving the machine outdoors, cover it with a waterproof cover.
If the machine freezes and it is impossible to operate it, do not try to move it
by force. Use warm or hot water to melt the frozen parts or wait for the ice to
melt. Be careful when moving the machine. If the machine is moved by force,
Canycom does not take responsibility for damage or failure.