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Rules for Safe Operation and Maintenance
3. Rules for Safe Operation and Maintenance
This chapter describes general safety precautions that must be followed during operation and
maintenance. Be sure that all users and maintenance personnel are familiar with these rules and that
they follow them.
Safety Precautions before Operation
Pre-work Check
Perform the daily pre-operation check before starting
the machine. Repair or replace damaged parts before
starting the machine.
Fuel Handling
Do not handle fuel or grease, service the engine, or
recharge the battery while smoking or when near an
open flame.
Protective Clothing
W e a r c l o t h e s s u i t a b l e f o r t h e o p e r a t i o n o f h e a v y
e q u i p m e n t . P r o t e c t i v e f o o t w e a r, l o n g p a n t s , a n d
long-sleeved shirts are recommended.
Do Not Carry Passengers on This Machine
Driving the Off-Road Rubber Track Dumper with a
passenger or passengers can change the center of
gravity and make the machine difficult to handle. This
product was designed to be operated carrying only one
person the driver. Driving with passenger is extremely