Before You Begin
Thank you for purchasing the Color Card Printer Canon CX 350.
Please read this guide before you use the printer so you can fully understand the printer features
and learn how to use the printer most efficiently. This guide provides all the information you
need to use this printer.
The following marks are used in this guide.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in fatal or serious injury. Always
remember and follow the guidelines and advice described under this heading to
ensure your own safety and the safety of other people working around the printer.
Failure to follow these instructions could lead to mistakes in the use of the printer and
result in minor injury or serious damage to the printer. Always remember and follow
the guidelines and advice described under this heading to ensure safe use of the
Failure to follow these instructions could lead to printer damage or poor print quality.
To use the printer properly, always follow these instructions.
Information under this heading includes tips and hints that will help you avoid minor
problems and use the printer more efficiently.
Information under this heading includes printer operation procedures.
Please refer to this information about printer operation.
Sample Screens
The sample screens of the printer driver settings in this guide were created in Windows 2000.
The contents of these printer driver screens and instructions are essentially the same as those for
Windows XP and Windows Me; however, explanations are provided when there are minor
differences in screen content or procedures.
Throughout this document the following abbreviations are used in text.
• Microsoft
Millennium Edition is abbreviated as “Windows Me”
• Microsoft
XP is abbreviated as “Windows XP”
• Microsoft
2000 is abbreviated as “Windows 2000”
• Microsoft
is abbreviated as “Windows”