The Vertex unit is designed to capture Caller ID and other telephony signaling on VoIP phone calls and
send this information to computers. Depending on the software running on the computer, applications
such as Caller ID popup screens for delivery, dispatch, phone billing, and logging calls are available.
Critical Information
1. The Vertex is designed to capture only standard non-encrypted SIP (Session Initiation Protocol).
SIP transmitted via TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport
Protocol), or other types of encoding are not supported. Refer
Appendix B
- Known Incompatible
VoIP Providers.
2. There are 3 network ports on the Vertex. The 2 VoIP Bridge Ports provide a pass-through link
between two network endpoints and processing circuitry connected in parallel. This approach
allows passive packet "sniffing" thus eliminating any network point-of-failure. The Management
Port is the only port that presents itself as an endpoint on the network.
3. A single network connection carrying all VoIP traffic of interest must pass through the Vertex VoIP
Bridge Ports to capture the incoming and outgoing telephone call signaling. Your network
topography will determine where the Vertex bridge ports will connect all VoIP traffic.
4. The unit will pass a maximum of 100BaseT speed through its VoIP bridge ports. At least one
Gigabit endpoint on either side of the bridge port may need to be re-booted to auto-configure to
100BaseT. Passive packet "sniffing" is technically impossible on a Gigabit connection.
5. The 100BaseT Vertex throughput speed will not adversely affect VoIP phones connected through
VoIP bridge ports. Only computers connected to switches or phones linked through the Bridge
Ports may be affected.
- If possible, we suggest that VoIP phones are connected on a different leg of the network than
computers and the Vertex VoIP Bridge Ports link only the VoIP leg.
- If the link to the internet passes through the Vertex VoIP Bridge Ports, only the internet
speeds above 100mbs would be affected. A Gigabit LAN speed will not be affected.