Tools / My Computer IP
Displays your computer IPv4 address.
Tools / PING
This tool allows you to check for most basic response from the Vertex by sending a PING. The
default is If the no response is returned, then Ping IP address is not recognized by the
router. If the Vertex has obtained an IP address via DHCP, then the IP address will be listed in the
router, under devices connected.
If you set a static IP address prior and need to reset the unit to defaults, use the DIP switches on the
back of the hardware. Set all 4 DIP switches to the up position and re-power the unit. Remember to
set all switches back down after reboot, or any changes will be lost when the hardware is
subsequently rebooted.
Tools / Reboot Unit
If using this command, make sure DIP Switches on the back of the unit are set correctly. For
instance, you may have set all 4 DIP switches Up to reset the hardware to defaults after boot up. If
so, remember to set them back down before subsequent reboot in order to save any changes made.
Tools / Reset Hardware to Defaults
This option is password protected ( password =
Defaults are as follows:
Main Tab
DHCP ( IP = if no DHCP is negotiated)
SIP Gateway MAC = 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 (Use Data Gateway MAC)
Network Port = 3520
DNS Address =
Time Tab
Time Offset = (GMT - 5) Eastern Time
Daylight Savings Time = Enabled with USA defaults
Time Servers
#1 = time.nist.gov
#2 = time-nw.nist.gov
#3 = time-a.nist.gov
#4 = time-b.nist.gov
Data Output Tab
Destination = Broadcast
Do not report Ext. to Ext. calls = Selected with 5 digit extensions
Comprehensive Options = Send at Both Start and End
Station Routing Tab
All routing table entries cleared.
Tools / Broadcast Connection
This invokes the exact search routine performed when launching VCT. It uses the default Broadcast
method of finding the Vertex by sending a
to IP and awaits the appropriate
response 3 times. For a Unicast connection, use
File / Location Manager