Viper SC+™ IP Router for Licensed Spectrum PN 001-5008-000 Rev. C
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Table 16 Diagnostics Output Definitions for Computer-Readable Format
Output Definitions
MAC address of the station where diagnostic measurements are being collected. The host will
collect diagnostic messages from itself and all remote units with IPSD enabled. IPSD can be
enabled or disabled in the Advanced Setup options for the port settings.
Version of the online diagnostics. Different versions may have different parameters. This table
describes Version 1.
Number of items that follow in the online diagnostic message.
PERIOD (seconds). Specifies the time between generation of online diagnostic messages from the
source station.
Online Diagnostics Flags. (CalAmp specific.)
Source Address. In Bridge mode, this address displays the MAC address of the source Viper. In
Router mode, this address displays the IP address of the of the source Viper station generating
the diagnostic message. This is also the source station from the point of view of the RSSI
Destination Address. In Bridge mode, this address displays the MAC address of the destination
Viper. In Router mode, this address displays the IP address of the destination Viper. This is the
destination station from the point of view of RSSI measurements.
Temperature of the source Viper in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Temperature units can be configured
on the source Viper in Home » Basic Settings.
Source supply voltage in excess of 8 volts, shown in tenths (0.1) of volts.
Supply voltage = (ODM_reading / 10) + 8.V. A reading of 35, for example, means 11.5 V.
RSSI measured at the source Viper for the last message received from the destination Viper. This
is also referred to as the Local RSSI. Use the following table to interpret the RSSI value.
RSSI measured at the destination Viper for the last message received from the source Viper. This
is also referred to as the Remote RSSI. Use the following table to interpret the RSSI value.
Radio/antenna forward power measured in tenths (0.1) of watts at the source Viper. A value of
51, for example, means 5.1 W.
Radio/antenna reverse power measured in tenths (0.1) of watts at the source Viper. A value of 2,
for example, means 0.2 W.
PER measured at the source. This is calculated as the percentage of packets rejected due to an
invalid header/checksum over the total number of packets received. To fit a small unsigned
integer, this value is multiplied by 1000 and its maximum value is limited at 255. A reading of 2,
for example, means 0.002 % of packets were rejected.
Table 17 Online Diagnostics RSSI Display
The RSSI Value is not available.
> – 60.25 dBm
The RSSI Value is greater than – 60.25 dBm.
– 65.00 dBm
< – 123.75 dBm
RSSI is less than – 123.75 dBm.
RSSI = – 60 – (X × 0.25), for X not equal to 0.