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The [BSP] key is used to delete the character entered last.
The [ESC] key is used to cancel the current entry, and exit the input mode.
The original value is retained in this case.
The [C] key is used to delete all the entered characters and repeat the input procedure from the beginning,
without exiting the input mode.
Pressing the [ENT] key completes the entry, saves the new value if it is valid, and exits the input mode.
An ID assigned to SAVE NO. and having a maximum length of 10 characters is displayed here.
This ID can be modified. Different SAVE NOS. cannot be assigned the same ID.
Pressing the [F1] key (INPUT) invokes the input mode.
Numeric keys [0] to [9] and the [
] key are used to enter a new ID.
The [BSP] key is used to delete the character entered last.
The [ESC] key is used to cancel the current entry, and exit the input mode. The original value is retained in
this case.
The [C] key is used to delete all the entered characters and repeat the input procedure from the beginning,
without exiting the input mode.
Pressing the [ENT] key completes the entry, saves the new value if it is valid, and exits the input mode.
An ID assigned to LOAD NO. and having a maximum length of 10 characters is displayed here.
This ID can be modified. Different LOAD NOS. cannot be assigned the same ID.
Pressing the [F1] key (INPUT) invokes the input mode.
Numeric keys [0] to [9] and the [
] key are used to enter a new ID.
The [BSP] key is used to delete the character entered last.
The [ESC] key is used to cancel the current entry, and exit the input mode. The original value is retained in
this case.
The [C] key is used to delete all the entered characters and repeat the input procedure from the beginning,
without exiting the input mode.
Pressing the [ENT] key completes the entry, saves the new value if it is valid, and exits the input mode.
If a PC keyboard is used for input, alphanumeric values up to 10 characters long can
be used as IDs for the various device settings.
If the device keypad is used for input, only numerical values can be entered as IDs.
Pressing the [F2] key (SAVE) saves the device setting currently selected under the number indicated by SAVE NO.
Pressing the [F3] key (LOAD) loads the device setting indicated by LOAD NO. and invokes the main menu.