TeraStation User Manual
The TeraStation can be configured to automatically turn on and off with your computer. To use this feature, install NAS
Navigator2 on your computer(s) and then set the power mode switch on the back of your TeraStation to “AUTO”.
• After you turn off your computer, it may take several minutes for the TeraStation to shut down.
• When the power mode switch is changed from Auto to Manual or vice-versa, it takes about five minutes for
the change to take effect.
• Power on the TeraStation before moving the switch to the Auto position.
• Auto Power Mode doesn’t work if port trunking is enabled or if NasNavi detection is disabled.
• Install NAS Navigator2 on all computers that will be accessing the TeraStation before switching to Auto Power
• Some networks may not support the Auto Power Mode. If there are persistent issues with the network, use
Manual Power Mode for safety.
Manual (default):
In this position, the power button on the front of the TeraStation turns it on
and off. It is not affected by the power state of connected computers.
In this position, if all connected computers are turned off, the TeraStation
will turn off too. If a connected computer is powered on, the TeraStation will
power on too.
Auto Power Mode