Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Instrument Layout
3.4 Twister (optional)
Figure 3-15 Twister coupled to the mass spectrometer
The Twister (Figure 3-15) is mounted in front of the mass spectrometer (Twister is a
trademark of Zymark Corporation). It functions as an automatic sample insertion
device to feed the spectrometer with SCOUT MTP MALDI targets. It can store and
handle 20 target plates and more.
Using the 1536 MTP format more than 30.000 samples / cycle can be unattended
The Twister transports target plates from an input rack to the mass spectrometer. After
the measurement the unit receives the target and deposits it into the output rack. All
these plates are equipped with a transponder. Additionally the customer may furnish
the targets with a barcode label, for instance, for preparation with a robot, such as the
Bruker MAPII.
Both instruments the Twister and the spectrometer are controlled by the controls of the
page in
software as shown in Figure 3-16.
ultraflex III User Manual, Version 1.0