Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Instrument Layout
The micro well plate at the left and the SCOUT-MTP plate (Figure 3-5), are employed
as a standard for analyses in the area of biochemistry because of the high multiple
sample throughput. Both are of identical dimensions where the arrays of 384 sample
spots of each correspond exactly to another. Both plate types may be also stacked in
mixed mode. AnchorChip Target
AnchorChip targets are SCOUT MALDI MTP targets that are equipped with a special
coating improving the crystallization process of MALDI samples. This technique
benefits in:
10 – 100 fold sensitivity increase because of increased analyte concentration.
Improved automation because of reduced search for “sweet spots”.
Comprehensive information can be obtained from the manual AnchorChip Technology
). Transponder
All the Scout MTP targets are equipped with a programmable semiconductor chip,
called transponder. The transponder contains information from Bruker, such as the
geometry, the part number, and the serial number (Read only data). Further on the
chip contains a ”Use Counter”, which identifies the target and counts on ejection how
often this one has been used. This information may be useful in the case of
AnchorChip Targets that might have to be regenerated after multiple measurements.
must be running on moving targets in for correct results. If
closed and the target movement is initiated with the corresponding green button on the
front panel, the transponder gets no information.
The transponder provides three areas (string 1,2,3) for the customer to program. Any
string contains 14 ASCII signs maximum. The
Bruker TransponderStation RW
(manual PN
) is a suitable tool to transmit data into the transponder. This
feature will be activated on request.
ultraflex III User Manual, Version 1.0