Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Instrument Layout
3.2 PC Configuration
The PC controls the mass spectrometer, and acquires and stores data. This device
corresponds to the required configuration on delivery, e.g.,
18-inch LCD display, resolution 1280 x 1024, True Color;
Laser Printer;
Windows 2000 operating system;
Software packages flexControl/flexAnalysis.
3.3 Remote Service Capability
Daltonics Service
Remote Service
Figure 3-12 Operating principle of the remote service
To obtain a maximum operating time the
ultraflex III
is equipped with a remote service
capability (Figure 3-12). This feature allows for troubleshooting via the internet. Thus
problems can often be solved efficiently with the customer PC being fully controlled by
the Daltonics Service Board. For example, both software and firmware update is
ultraflex III User Manual, Version 1.0