QSIndustries, Inc. Software License Agreement
1. Grant of License: QSIndustries, Inc. grants you, the owner, the right to use the software that is included with your Quantum system
only with the locomotive
that you purchased.
2. Copyright: The software is owned by QSIndustries, Inc. and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty
provisions. Therefore, neither you nor anyone else may copy the software.
Proprietary Rights and Obligations
The structure and organization of the Software/Firmware are the valuable properties of QSIndustries, Inc. You will not make or have
made, or permit to be made, any copies of the Hardware, Software/Firmware, code, or any portions thereof. You are not to modify,
adapt, translate, reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the Hardware or Software/Firmware.
Trademarks shall be used in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification of trademark owner’s name. The
Quantum Hardware, Software and Firmware are covered by U.S. Patent No. 4,914,431; 5,184,048; 5,267,318; 5,394,068; 5,448,142;
5,633,985; 5,832,431; 5,896,017; 5,940,005; and US and Foreign patents pending.
No Other Rights
QSIndustries, Inc. retains ownership of the Quantum Hardware design and operating Software/Firmware code. Except as stated
above, this agreement does not grant you any rights to intellectual property rights to the Quantum Software, Firmware or Hardware.
The use of any trademarks as herein authorized does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark.
© 2004 All rights reserved. Printed in
S. Korea
. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previous published material.
The contents and the product it describes are subject to change without notice. QSI is a registered trademark of QSIndustries, Inc.
Quantum, Quantum System, Sound-of-Power, Scale Sound, Regulated Throttle Control, QARC, are trademarks of QSIndustries, Inc.
MRC is a trademark of Model Rectifier Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. QSI makes no
representations or warranties with respect to this publication. In no event shall QSIndustries, Inc., be liable for any damages, direct or
incidental, arising out of or related to the use of this publication.
QSIndustries, Inc.
Beaverton, OR