X-POT6+ Operation & Maintenance Manual
(V1.2 September 2017)
Page 5
This manual must be used confidentially. It may be circulated among authorised personnel
only. It must not be given to third parties. All documentation is protected by copyright.
Distribution or other forms of reproduction of documents, even extracts, exploitation or
notification of the contents hereof is not permitted, unless otherwise specified in writing
International (UK) Ltd. Infringements are liable to prosecution and payment of
compensation. We reserve the right to exercise all intellectual property rights.
GeneRAL sAFety InstRuCtIons
Disregard or lack of attention to the information and measures in this manual may pose a
hazard to people, animals, the environment and tangible assets. Failure to observe the safety
regulations and the neglect of other safety measures may lead to the lapse of liability for
damages in the event of damage or loss.
• Operator: Natural person or legal entity, who owns the product, uses it or to whom use
of the product is entrusted on the basis of a contractual agreement.
• Principal: Legally and commercially liable client in relation to the system as a whole.
• Responsible person: The representative appointed to act by the installer or operator.
• Qualified person (QP): Any person whose professional training, experience and
recent professional activity gives them the requisite professional knowledge. This
implies that such people have knowledge derived from relevant national and internal
safety regulations.
Danger - electric current
Disregarding these warnings may:
• endanger health,
• cause death, fire or other damage,
• lead to the overloading of individual components and to damage,
• or otherwise impair the unit’s function.
Caution - warning for mistakes and wrong basic assumptions
Consider the implications of errors and incorrect set-up conditions carefully!
Disregarding these warnings may lead to:
• serious personal injury
• overloading of individual components and damage
• impair the unit’s function