RE 92076-01-B/2021-04-22, Bosch Rexroth AG
Troubleshooting |
A4... with HS5E(V)(L) control system Series 1x and 30 95
Table 27: Axial piston unit malfunction table
Possible cause
No or insufficient flow
Insufficient air bleeding of the hydraulic system Fill the axial piston unit, suction line for the
hydraulic pump and the reservoir
Completely air bleed the axial piston unit and
hydraulic system
Faulty mechanical drive (e.g. defective
Contact machine/system manufacturer
Drive speed too low
Contact machine/system manufacturer
Insufficient suction conditions, e.g. insufficient
dimensioning of the suction line, viscosity of
the hydraulic fluid too high, suction height too
high, suction pressure too low, foreign particles
in the suction line, impermissible filter in the
suction line
Machine/system manufacturer: Check the
system, e.g. optimize inlet conditions, use
suitable hydraulic fluid
Fill the suction line with hydraulic fluid
Remove foreign particles from the suction line
Hydraulic fluid not in optimal viscosity range
Machine/system manufacturer:
Check temperature range and use suitable
hydraulic fluid
Insufficient pilot pressure or control pressure
Check pilot pressure or control pressure
Contact Bosch Rexroth Service
Malfunction of the control device or controller
of the axial piston unit
Contact Bosch Rexroth Service
Control of the control device defective
Check control (contact machine/system
manufacturer or Bosch Rexroth Service)
Wear or mechanical damage to the axial piston
Replace axial piston unit
Contact Bosch Rexroth Service