RE 92076-01-B/2021-04-22, Bosch Rexroth AG
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A4... with HS5E(V)(L) control system Series 1x and 30 29
5.3.6 Working pressure limits
Parts that shoot out and escaping jets of fluid!
Risk of serious injuries! The electrical pressure control does not have a pressure
limitation function.
▶ Make sure that the maximum working pressure is not exceeded.
The working pressure that is stated in the data sheet must not be exceeded.
With external control pressure fluid supply, the HS5E pump control system works
independently of the actual high-pressure circuit, which makes possible actual
adjustment independently of the working pressure in the range from "0 to 100%"
with A4VSO and A4VBO and "±100%" with A4VSG and A4CSG (change of flow
With a de-energized proportional valve and an existing control pressure, the
pump swivels in the following cases:
– Standard version A4VSO and A4VBO to swivel angle α = 0% (
g min
– Standard version A4VSG and A4CSG to swivel angle α = –100%.
This can lead to cavitation and damage to the pump.
You can find the maximum and minimum pressures in data sheet 92076.
In the case of energy fluctuations or failures, with adequate control pressure
supply, the unit moves to the minimum swivel angle possible (standard version
A4VSO and A4VBO to swivel angle α = 0% (
g min
) and standard version A4VSG
and A4CSG to swivel angle α =-100%). Limiting the minimum displacement can
cause torque to be generated in the application.
Check whether additional measures are necessary on your machine for the
application in order to guarantee that the torque is switched off. If necessary,
make sure these are appropriately implemented.
With internal control pressure fluid supply, the HS5EV pump control system works
dependent on the high-pressure circuit. With a sufficient load pressure (> 20 bar),
the control can take control positions in the swivel angle range from "0 to ±100 %" at
With a de-energized proportional valve and available load pressure (> 20 bar),
the pump swivels in the following cases:
– Standard version A4VSO and A4VBO to swivel angle α = -100% (
g min
This can lead to cavitation and damage to the pump.
You can find the maximum and minimum pressures in data sheet 92076.
Maximum working
External control pressure
fluid for HS5E
Internal control pressure
for HS5EV