WARNING: Handle natural gas with care. Compressed natural gas is a volatile fuel stored under high
pressure. If fuel storage or delivery components are installed, serviced or operated improperly, fire, ex-
plosion and/or serious injury could result. Do NOT smoke while working on or around natural gas equip-
ment. Avoid flames, sparks and operation of electrical devices in or around a vehicle with a possible
natural gas leak. Properly tighten all connections and thoroughly check for leaks after servicing fuel
system. Natural gas fumes may cause sickness or death. Work in well ventilated area.
WARNING: Protect against high pressure CNG. Compressed natural gas is stored and routed to the
engine at a pressure up to 3600 psi. Do NOT attempt to remove or disassemble any fuel system compo-
nent while it is pressurized. Explosive separation of components and escaping natural gas can cause
serious injury. Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting any CNG fitting or line.
Properly tighten all connections and thoroughly check for leaks before applying pressure. Never attempt
to over pressurize the system.
WARNING: Protect against extremely cold escaping CNG. Compressed natural gas is stored at an ex-
tremely high pressure. If compressed natural gas escapes from a leak, it will expand into and extremely
cold (-260 deg F) gas. Severe frost bite may occur from contact with escaping natural gas or its associated
components. Avoid the hazard by relieving the pressure before disconnecting any CNG fitting or line.
Properly tighten all connections and thoroughly check for leaks before applying pressure.
WARNING: Storage tanks must be tested according to specified procedures at required dates. Failure to
do so relieves the manufacturer of all responsibility and is a violation of federal law. See manufacturer's
CAUTION: In the event of an accident, all tanks, lines and fittings should be thoroughly checked by
qualified personnel before the vehicle is used again.
All valves are closed when turned fully clockwise viewed from the top of the valve handle, and open
when turned counterclockwise viewed from the top of the valve handle.
CAUTION: Always provide good ventilation, including near roofs and ceiling.
CAUTION: Do not work in a noisy environment, the sound of leaking gas may go undetected.
WARNING: Never attempt to find a leak with your hands. A large leak can freeze burn the skin.
WARNING: Never place hands or any other part of the body on a leak.
Always have rated fire extinguishers on hand and automatic fire suppression equipment.
CAUTION: Avoid heat near pressure relief valves; the manufacturer's rating is 212 degrees Fahrenheit for
the relief valve. Should it vent, the entire area will be filled with natural gas.
Rust or corrosion on tanks, lines, fittings and valves can be a serious problem. Any part with
serious corrosion should be replaced.
Fiberglass coating on tanks should be in excellent condition. Any cracks or serious scrapes
may require tank replacement. Contact the manufacturer.
WARNING: Tanks cannot be filled to more than 3000 psi or 3600 psi temperature corrected.