To remove wiper refills, follow the procedure outlined below.
1. Lift end clip with screwdriver as shown in. This releases locking indentations (A) and allows end clip
retainers (B), to be removed through blade claw.
2. Repeat procedure to remove retainer clip on opposite end of wiper.
3. New end clips are provided with replacement Anco refills. To install, remove one clip and slide the
refill through all claws until end clip locks into place.
4. Install second end clip, snap-locking devices A and B into place to secure refill.
WARNING: An inflated tire and rim can be very dangerous when it is misused or worn out. Many acci-
dents, some fatal, have resulted from improper handling and operation of bus rims and wheels. It is,
therefore, of the utmost importance that the precautions be carefully followed by all persons servicing
bus rims and wheels to avoid personal injuries and costly damage.
WARNING: To help avoid personal injury and/or property damage if a blowout or other tire damage
occurs, obtain expert tire service help if you can. If you must remove the wheel and change the tire without
such help, take the following precautions:
If the tire looks as if it may contain air under pressure, stand to the side and check whether the wheel
assembly appears normal by comparing it to another wheel assembly on the vehicle. Check whether
the side ring and lock ring around the wheel rim (if so equipped) are seated properly for duals, look
between the tires to check this. If they look as if they are not seated properly, or if you cannot be sure,
stay away from the tire and wheel and do not attempt further repair without expert tire service help.
If the side ring and lock ring appear to be seated properly (or the wheel is not so equipped), let the air
out of the tire by taking out the valve core. If you have a way to put air back in a tire, note that it is
good safety practice to let the air out of both tires of a dual assembly before taking off the damaged tire
and rim assembly from the vehicle. After letting out the air, take off the tire and rim assembly and put
on the spare wheel and tire assembly.
If you are not fully expert on the procedures to follow, and/or are not equipped with the proper tools
and equipment, again, do not attempt to raise the vehicle, or remove or install the tire and wheel
assembly obtain expert tire service help.
Do not put air back in a tire that has been run flat, or is seriously low on air, without first having the
tire taken off the wheel and the tire and tube checked for damage.