Other settings available in the Content Filtering tab are Import, Export options,
Remove Selected Rows, Remove All Rows, and Edit Selected Rows under Blocked
URLs and White List URLs. Import, Export options allow you to import or export a
plain text (.txt) version of your Blocked URLs and White List URLs, allowing you to
back up your lists or share lists with multiple IURs. By selecting either option, you
will be presented with Browse utility, where you can direct Optinet to import or
export the plain text file. Removes Selected Rows and Remove All Rows allows you
to remove selected entries in the Blocked URLs and White List URLs. Edit Selected
Rows permit manual entries of selected entries.
Blocked File Types—this sub-tab lists all File types that can be blocked for download.
To add File Types to the Blocked File Type list, select the Blocked File Type sub-tab
and click Edit File Types button.
Blocked MIME Types—this sub-tab lists all Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME) types available that can be blocked for download. To add MIME Types to the
Blocked MIME Types list, select the Blocked MIME Type sub-tab and click the Edit
MIME Types button.
Web Authentication White List—this sub-tab is defined in Chapter 7: Integrating
Directory Users with Optinet.
Advanced Filtering
Click on Manage -> Policies & Rules -> Internet Usage Rules -> Default Usage Rules. Once
this populates the Add/Edit Internet Usage Rule Set, click the Advanced Filtering tab. The
Advanced Filtering tab presents complex selections that offer more stringent policy control
for content filtering. Some options are selected by default for security reasons; however,
you can enable or disable any of these options depending upon your requirements.
Enable Spyware URL Blocking—this setting scans web requests for URLs known to
host spyware.
Enable Spyware MD5 Blocking—this setting scans web traffic for known Message-
Digest algorithm 5 matches used for spyware downloads.
Enable Spyware ClassID Blocking—this settings scans HTML pages for Class IDs
(identification tags associated with Active X or OLE objects) known to host spyware.
Enable Anti-Virus Blocking—this settings scans web traffic for web pages that are
infected with viruses.
Enable Anti-Virus Email Alert Email Address—this setting allows the administrator of
Optinet to receive an email alert if a user attempts to download a web virus. For this
setting to work, the Technical Admin Name and Technical Admin E-mail fields under
the Miscellaneous tab must be completed (Admin -> Configuration -> Misc.
Enable Filter Avoidance IP Lookup—this setting associates proxy web sites with their
IP addresses and prevents users from entering them into web browsers.