Operating Instructions
Attn V (dB) -
The attenuation applied (in dB) to the voltage channel during this frequency measurement.
Attn I (dB) -
The attenuation applied (in dB) to the current channel during this frequency measurement.
Step -
Indicates the step of the recipe.
The data table displays the following information for each harmonic component returned in the dataset:
F set (Hz) -
The set point of the frequency measurement in Hz.
F actual (Hz) -
The actual measured frequency in Hz.
Meas State -
In multi-level mode, this specifies which state (1-4) the measurement occurred in.
Vrms (Volts) -
RMS voltage reading.
Irms (Amp) -
RMS current reading.
Phase (Deg) -
The phase in degrees between V and I. This is equivalent to the phase angle of the impedance
(in polar coordinates).
Z (Ohms) -
Impedance magnitude in Ohms (in polar coordinates).
R (Ohms) -
Resistance in Ohms - the real part of impedance (in rectangular coordinates).
jX (Ohms) -
Reactance in Ohms - the imaginary part of impedance (in rectangular coordinates).
PDel (Watts) -
Power in Watts.
PFwd (W) -
Calculated forward power of the signal (Z must be between 25 and 100 Ohms and phase angle
must be /-20 degrees or the measurement is void and reads n/a).
PRfl (W) -
Calculated reflected power of the signal (Z must be between 25 and 100 Ohms and phase angle
must be /-20 degrees or the measurement is void and reads n/a).
Rel P (dBc) -
Power relative to the fundamental in dBc. Applies to harmonics and intermods.
Rel Ph (Deg)–
Phase relative to the fundamental in degrees. Applies to harmonics and intermods.
Avg P (W) -
Averaged delivered power (calculated based on the "Avg Power time" setting in the "Free Run"
tab under the standard tracking mode configuration settings).