The following is the list of characters associated to each key:
Alphanumerical keys
, - + ; * / = % > <
0 . : ? ! ( )¿ ¡ '
(blank) 1 £ $ @ & ª º
A B C 2 â ä à å Ä Å ç Ç
D E F 3 è ê ë è È æ Æ
G H I 4 ï î ì í
J K L 5
M N O 6 ô ö ò ó Ö ñ Ñ
P Q R S 7 ß
T U V 8 ü û ù ú Ü
W X Y Z 9 ÿ
During installation, hotkeys can be assigned to functions in the User Menu. This allows the user to
reach the desired function by pressing fewer keys. For example to reach the Product Code function,
you must press
...MENU>Data Management>Code Management>Product Code
whereas you only need to press PROCOD.
During installation, the abbreviations which appear on the display can be customised. This is why the
installer can modify the abbreviations relative to the hotkeys shown in brackets next to or underneath
the paths explained in the following paragraphs. Ask the installer for a decoding table.
The paths can also be changed depending on the number of archives and relative hotkeys set the
during installation. In that case, the MENU key can be reached by pressing 2F and SELECT.