Copyright and trademarks
All the information and drawings in this manual are the property of Biddle and may not be used (other than for the
actual operation of the device), photocopied, duplicated, translated and/or be brought to the attention of third
parties without Biddle’s prior written permission.
The name Biddle is a registered trademark.
Warranty and Liability
Please refer to Biddle’s Terms of Sales and Delivery for warranty and liability conditions.
Biddle excludes liability for consequential loss at all times and under all circumstances.
Liability for the contents of this manual
However much care might have been taken in ensuring the correctness and, where necessary, completeness of the
description of the relevant parts, Biddle disclaims all liability for damage resulting from any inaccuracies and/or
deficiencies in this manual.
Should you detect any errors or ambiguities in this manual then we would be pleased to hear from you: it helps us
to improve our documentation even further.
Biddle retains the right to change the specifications stated in this manual.
For more information
If you have any comments or questions about specific topics relating to this product, please do not hesitate to
contact Biddle.
Address for the UK:
Biddle Air Systems Ltd.
St. Mary’s Road
Warwickshire CV11 5AU
United Kingdom
024 7638 4233
024 7637 3621
internet: www.biddle-air.com
Address for other countries:
Biddle bv
P.O. Box 15
NL-9288 ZG Kootstertille
The Netherlands
+31 512 33 55 55
+31 512 33 55 54
internet: www.biddle.info