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18.6 Removal of the spark generator
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity
supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the spark generator connector coming from the con-
trol p.c.b, the electrode swire and the earth wire coming from the
ignition electrodes (Figure 18.8).
figure 18.8
spark generator
earth wire
ignition electrodes
3 Unscrew the screws O and remove the spark generator.
4 Assemble the spark generator carrying out the removal opera-
tion in reverse order.
When reassembling the spark generator be sure to connect
correctly the wires.
18.7 Checks
Check of the spark generator
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity
supply before removing any covering or component.
There is not a significant way to verify the integrity of the spark gen-
erator. When the fan turns but the burner does not light a possible
cause is a faulty spark generator and it is advisable to replace it to
locate the fault.
Check the position of the electrode edges
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity
supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the ignition electrodes (see section "Removal of the Ig-
nition and detection electrodes" page 36).
2 Check for the correct distance between the metallic edges of the
ignition electrode (see Figure 18.9 - Figure 18.10).
figure 18.9
Ignition electrode
3,5 mm
earth electrode
Check the connection wires
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity
supply before removing any covering or component.
figure 18.10
Ignition electrode
7 mm
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Check for the integrity of the insulation of wires which connect
the electrodes to the spark generator and to the control/ignition
Warning - Insulation panels material handling care
Mineral fibres are used in this appliance for the insulation panels of
the combustion chamber
Excessive exposure to these materials may cause temporary irrita-
tion to eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
Known hazards - Some people can suffer reddening and itching of
the skin. Fibre entry into the eye will cause foreign body irritation,
which can cause severe irritation to people wearing contact lenses.
Irritation to respiratory tract.
Precautions - Dust goggles will protect eyes. People with a history
of skin complaints may be particularly susceptible to irritation. High
dust levels are only likely to arise following harsh abrasion. In gen-
eral, normal handling and use will not present high risk, follow good
hygiene practices, wash hands before, touching eyes, consuming
food, drinking or using the toilet.
First aid - Medical attention must be sought following eye contact or
prolonged reddening of the skin.