- 20 -
figure 9.7
Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keep-
ing the reset button 9 pressed for more than 5 seconds. The
lamps will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting
(Figure 9.8 and Figure 9.9).
4 To change the setting turn the knob 8 on a position corre-
sponding to the desired maximum useful output (Figure 9.8
and Figure 9.9). By turning the knob 8, the lock-out signal
lamp 10 blinks quickly (2 per seconds) indicating that the set-
ting has changed and must be memorised.
figure 9.8
Knob position
Maximum useful output in c.h. mode non
condensing - kW (BTU/h)
5,8 (19 789)
8,2 (27 977)
9,0 (30 707)
12,4 (42 307)
12,2 (41 625)
16,5 (56 296)
15,5 (52 884)
20,7 (70 626)
18,7 (63 802)
24,8 (84 614)
21,9 (74 720)
29,0 (98 944)
25,1 (85 638)
33,1 (112 933)
figure 9.9
5 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button 9 for
about 5 seconds until the lights 11 briefly blinks simultaneously.
6 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and
ON by the function selector knob 7. In any case, the boiler
automatically resets to its normal operation after 10 minutes.
9.7 Reignition frequency setting
It is possible to select the minimum time that must pass between
two ignitions of the burner in c.h. function mode.
1 Turn the boiler ON positioning the function selector knob 7 as
indicated in Figure 9.10.
figure 9.10
9 10
2 Keep pressed the reset button 9 for about 10 seconds until
the lock-out signal lamp 10 blinks.
3 The lamps 11 should give the indication as in Figure 9.11
(reignition frequency). If not, press the reset button repeat-
edly to obtain it.
figure 9.11
Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keep-
ing the reset button 9 pressed for more than 5 seconds. The
lamps will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting
(Figure 9.12).
4 To change the setting turn the knob 8 on a position corre-
sponding to the desired delay.
By turning the knob 8, the lock-out signal lamp 10 blinks quick-
ly (2 per seconds) indicating that the setting has changed and
must be memorised.
figure 9.12
Delay (minutes)
Setting No.
1 1/2
5 1/2
8 1/2
5 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button 9 for
about 5 seconds until the lights 11 briefly blinks simultaneously.
6 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and
ON by the function selector knob 7. In any case, the boiler
automatically resets to its normal operation after 10 minutes.
Factory setting = 3 minutes
9.8 Checks
Check that the fuses are complete
If the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. does not supply any device
(pump, fan, etc.) check that the fuses 2 and 3 (Figure 9.2) are
If a fuse has blown replace it with one that has the same charac-
teristics after having identified the reason for failure.
Lock sequence
Start the boiler until the burner is ignited.
With the burner firing, interrupt the gas supply. The Electronic
control/ignition p.c.b. must carry out three complete ignition cy-
cles and then, after about 3 minutes, goes to lock-out state.
By turning the boiler on and off by means of the function switch
the device must not unlock and the burner must not turn on.
9.9 Removal of the electronic control p.c.b
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electrici-
ty supply before removing any covering or compo-
When replacing the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. it is ad-
visable to go through the setting modes of the boiler here
described in sections 9.5 to 9.7.