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16 By-PASS vALvE
16.1 function
The By-pass valve A in Figure 16.1 is located between the c.h.
water flow and return and its function is that of guaranteeing a
minimum flow across the primary heat exchanger if the circula-
tion across the c.h. system is completely closed.
The By-pass valve is fitted on the rear side of the diverter group.
figure 16.1
16.2 Removal
Warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electrici-
ty supply before removing any covering or compo-
1 Remove all the case panels.
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the diverter group as described in the section "Re-
moval of the diverter group and its internal parts" page 16.
4 Unscrew the connector B and remove the by-pass valve C
(Figure 16.2).
figure 16.2
4 Reassemble the by-pass valve as illustrated in Figure 16.2
reversing the order of removal.