- 37 -
figure 18.4
locating tab
burner gasket
6 Assemble the burner carrying out the removal operation in re-
verse order. Ensure the burner is correctly located by lining up
the locating tab (Figure 18.4).
figure 18.5
burner gasket
Air---gas duct gasket
Before reassembling ensure the burner gasket is correctly lo-
Warning: After cleaning or replacement as detailed
above, it is deemed necessary to undertake a combus-
tion analysis as detailed in section "Adjustment" page
18.4 Removal of the front insulation panel
See warning note at the end of this chapter before to remove
this part.
1 Remove the Ignition and detection electrodes (see section "Re-
moval of the Ignition and detection electrodes" page 36).
2 Remove the burner (see section "Removal of the burner" page
3 Remove the front insulation panel (Figure 18.6).
4 Assemble the new front insulation carrying out the removal op-
eration in reverse order. When fitting the new panel ensure that
the electrodes holes coincide with the holes of the combustion
figure 18.6
front insulation
Siliconic gasket
After any periodical servicing or disturbance the combustion cham-
ber silicon seal (Figure 18.6) must be fully inspected and replaced at
the discretion of the service engineer.
After any disturbance to the chamber door seal the appliance must
undergo a full analytical combustion performance check.
18.5 Removal of the rear insulation
See warning note at the end of this chapter before to remove
this part.
Attention: Cover the inner of the condensing heat ex-
changer to avoid that dirt and debris fall in the coil.
1 Do the operations of section "Removal of the burner" page 36
from step 1 to step 3.
2 Unscrew the screw L, remove the washer M and the rear insula-
tion N (Figure 18.7).
figure 18.7