Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
happen that the multi-viewer cannot load the layout upon restart. This results in at
least one monitor-wall display remaining blank.
If the layout does not appear after three minutes, restart the multi-viewer
[Ref. #13287/24424]
Video visible through UI elements:
On rare occasions, video may
appear through user interface elements in some windows or on the shortcut menu, in
which case the window or menu does not have the expected look and feel.
Restart the multi-viewer (in the case of a Kaleido-X16 or KMV-3901/3911),
or reseat the output card associated with the affected display.
[Ref. #25461]
Once you have stopped a timer that was configured in Overrun
mode, you cannot start it again.
Reset the timer, and then start it again.
[Ref. #16135/25547]
If you modify a timer in XEdit while a timer monitor
associated with this timer is shown on the monitor wall, your changes are not
automatically reflected on the monitor wall. This may lead to unpredictable behavior
(e.g., timer not starting, or starting at an unexpected time).
Refresh the layout on the monitor wall.
[Ref. #17586]
On the monitor wall, if you change the logical source (channel)
associated with a timer monitor, the timer monitor will appear to have stopped (even
though the system has actually implemented the timer change).
Refresh the layout on the monitor wall to observe the change.
[Ref. #16717]
Spanning monitors:
In XEdit, if you modify the positions of displays (heads)
inside a room, then layouts that contain spanning monitors (i.e., monitors that are
spanned over two or more heads) may be affected. Specifically, the positions of
spanning monitors may be changed.
(1) Open the affected layout in XEdit. (2) Reposition any displaced
monitors. (3) Move all other layout elements a single pixel in one direction, and then
back one pixel. (4) Save the layout. When it is loaded on the wall, all monitors should
appear in their designated positions.
[Ref. #13849]
When a layout with a lot a overlap among the video monitors is loaded on
the monitor wall, the video may appear corrupted in the video windows.
Reduce the amount of overlap in the layout.
[Ref. #17088/18433/18425]
Excessive scaling of video elements results in a loss of video
image on a monitor wall. This can be caused by loading a complex layout with a video
monitor or full screen zone spanning two or more displays. The problem can be made
worse by overlapping elements.
Keep full screen zones within a single display. Do not span a monitor
beyond a maximum of 3000 × 1800 pixels. When spanning or scaling video monitors in
a layout, avoid heavy cropping settings (generally avoid exceeding 15% in any
direction). If the problem persists in full screen layouts, try reducing the scaling settings