МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу-
атации и регулировки
Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
f) P.T.O. shaft engagement and disen-
gagement should be made smoothly,
without jerks, with the diesel-engine
crankshaft at a low speed;
g) preparatory to starting moving, check
operation of the machine at low and
maximum r.p.m. of the diesel-engine
With the P.T.O. synchronous drive en-
gaged, tractor travel speed should not ex-
ceed 8 km/h, max.;
h) disengage the P.T.O. when making a
turn (in case of aggregation with trailed
machines) or when raising the imple-
ment into the transport position (in case
of mounted and semi-mounted imple-
i) after detachment of the implement from
the tractor, NEVER leave the universal-
drive joint on the P.T.O. tail-piece;
з) with a driving pulley, as well as reduc-
tion gear outfit of special-purpose vehi-
cles (such as cotton-growing machin-
ery, power shovels, and so on) installed
on the rear P.T.O. cover, take good
care that they are properly centered
about the tail-piece (seated in a 162-
mm dia. recess in the rear cover), and
their nuts reliably tightened.
When in operation with rotary tillage-and-
cultivating machinery, take care:
а) to keep protection gear in functioning
condition, check it for normal operation;
b) not to engage the P.T.O. when the
working tool is lowered onto the ground;
c) to smoothly lower the machine with ro-
tating tools when the tractor is on the
d) not to engage the P.T.O., with one of
the joints pivoted at an angle exceeding
35 deg.;
e) to first till cross strips to enter the plot
for treatment when running on hard
soils, and only then to work the field
6.8.9. Operation of Tractors with Trail-
ers and Trailed Machines
Single-axle trailers are to be attached to
the tractor by means of a
ТСУ-2 coupler
while trailed machines
— through a ТСУ-
ЗК outfit (towing device fitted with an au-
tomatic coupler). Towing of farm machines
be means of a
ТСУ-1Ж hitch (crossbar)
can only be permitted at a speed of 15
km/h, max., and in field works; it is not
recommended to enter public roads.
When coupling trailer
pneumatic system to the tractor, brake
the tractor with the parking brake to re-
lease pressure in the connecting pipe-
To run with single-axle trailed machines,
hang on additional counterweights to load
the tractor front axle.
Double-axle trailers are coupled with the
tractor through
ТСУ-ЗК or ТСУ-3В cou-
plers (coupling with
ТСУ-1Ж hitch clevis in
this case cannot be admitted). After com-
pletion of coupling, make sure that the de-
tent is fully withdrawn from the housing
and connect the trailer to the tractor with a
check chain (cable).
With a towing device installed on the tractor,
DO NOT couple semi-trailers (single-axle
trailers), as well as double-axle trailers which
have non-standard trailer tongues.