Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82
Р — Operation and Service Manual
Section 9. Storage Rules for Tractors
Hand-crank the diesel-engine crankshaft
through several revolutions at least once
a month.
9.5.1. Remove slushing compound from
preserved external surfaces.
9.5.2. Remove all the installed protective
caps and stoppers, polyethylene bags,
adhesive tapes, etc.; refit the previously
removed parts and units, first, having
removed slushing agent and dust there-
9.5.3. Drain residue from all oil tanks, top
up oil to a prescribed level, if required.
9.5.4. Perform operations according to
MS Schedule-2 on the tractor, with the
exception of oil changing in the diesel-
engine crankcase and cleaning the cen-
trifuge, since both these operations are
scheduled and have been done during
preparation for storage. Bring inflation
pressure in tyres to its normal value.
9.5.5. Fill up fuel tanks with fuel and the
diesel-engine cooling system with cool-
De-slushing of the fuel system, diesel-
engine cylinders is to be carried during
their activation and operation for the first
time after storage.
9.5.6. De-slush the fuel system, diesel-
engine cylinders during their activation
and operation for the first time after stor-
9.5.7. Crank the diesel-engine crankshaft
several revolutions, using the starter for
the purpose, but with no fuel supply.
When satisfied that its rotation is normal,
start up the diesel-
engine for 5…10
minutes and gradually bring the crank-
shaft speed from minimum to maximum.
9.5.8. Run the tractor for 15-20 min., then,
remove faults, if detected.