Version: 2.1
Position, size
Bit in status
Status → Underrange
Value below measuring range.
0x6000:01, 1 bit SW.0
Status → Overrange
Measuring range exceeded.
0x6000:02, 1 bit SW.1
Status → Extended
Extended measuring range is used.
0x6000:03, 1 bit SW.2
Status → Data invalid
Input data are invalid.
0x6000:04, 1 bit SW.3
Status → Data invalid
No valid range selected.
0x6000:05, 1 bit SW.4
Status → Autorange
The Autorange function is disabled.
0x6000:06, 1 bit SW.5
Status → Error
The error bit is set if the value is invalid (wire
breakage, overrange, underrange)
0x6000:07, 1 bit SW.6
Status → Steady state
If the last four values are no more than x / 1024 of
end value apart, the "Steady state" bit is set to
0x6000:09, 1 bit SW.8
Status → TxPDO State
Validity of the data of the associated TxPDO (0 =
valid, 1 = invalid).
0x6000:0F, 1 bit SW.14
Status → TxPDO Toggle The TxPDO toggle is toggled by the slave when
the data of the associated TxPDO is updated.
0x6000:10, 1 bit SW.15
Current measured value as INT32, measuring
range end = 0x7F FF FF (standard)
0x6000:11, 4
Table 2: Process data 0x1A00
Example Program [
: Decomposition of WORDS into bits.
SAI Inputs 0x1A01 (0x1A04)
This PDO contains information on the selected measuring mode and the current range. The two values are
also available within a settings WORD.
Position, size
Current measuring mode:
0: 4-wire measurement
1: 4-wire measurement, single-shot mode
2: 2-wire measurement
3: 4-wire measurement, single-shot mode
0x6001:05, 4 bit
Current measuring range:
-1: 10 mΩ - 100 mΩ
0: 100 mΩ - 1 Ω
1: 1 Ω - 10 Ω
2: 10 Ω - 100 Ω
3: 100 Ω - 1 kΩ
4: 1 kΩ - 10 kΩ
5: 10 kΩ - 100 kΩ
6: 100 kΩ - 1 MΩ
7: 1 MΩ - 10 MΩ
0x6001:09, 1 byte
Table 3: Process data 0x1A01
SAI Inputs 0x1A02 (0x1A05)
This PDO contains the current measured value as REAL value. The format matches the REAL format from
the TwinCAT PLC Control.
The format matches the REAL format of IEC 61131-3, which in turn is based on the REAL format of IEC 559.
A REAL number (single precision) is defined as follows (See also
Beckhoff InfoSys: TwinCAT PLC Control:
standard data types