AXOR Industries
Service Manual
ver.1 rev.11/'19
4.9 Homing - Settings
1- Operative mode settings:
Set the desired operative mode.
2- Settings on "POSITION LOOP" window:
Max_Position_Error = K° * 65536
Position Filter
Not used during homing.
Max Position Error
This is the position error after which the drive goes into alarm 14 ("Following Error").
To calculate the value to insert in this field, use the following formula:
where K° is the value in mechanical degrees of the maximum accepted error.
The maximum selectable position error is 180° (32767 pulses).
Example: If the maximum mechanical accepted error is 45° (1/8 mechanical turn), then the val-
ue to insert in the Max Position Error box is 8192, in fact 45°x65536/360°=8192.
Kp Dynamic
This is the position loop gain.
Kp Static
Not used.
Not used during homing.
Not used during homing.
Position Polarity
Positive or Negative. This parameter enables a complete inversion of axis control.
Feed Forward
This improves the system’s dynamics. Suggested value: 100%.