AXOR Industries
Service Manual
ver.1 rev.11/'19
5.13 Oscilloscope
6- Enable the drive by clicking the
7- Start data acquisition by clicking the icon
. Wait a few seconds in order to acquire traces:
Parameters corrections
a) If necessary,
adjust the vertical scale
of speed and current:
• If the trace overflows the window
increase the scale.
• If the trace is too pressed
decrease the scale.
In the above visualized trace, it is not necessary to change the speed scale nor the current
b) Set the
on the rising edge (or falling edge) of the signal in Channel 1, choosing a
trigger level based upon the signal to be visualized. Setting a level that is too high will result
in no data acquisition.
Having the above visualized traces, it is convenient to set the trigger on the rising edge and
with a level equal to 500 (in the range between -1000 and +1000); in fact setting a level too
high (>1000 or <-1000) should result in no valid trigger event.
c) If necessary,
adjust the horizontal scale
Time Base
• To visualize more periods of input signals
increase Time Base parameter.
• To visualize less periods of input signals
decrease Time Base parameter.
In the above visualized trace, it is not necessary to change the time base.