Upgrading an Existing S8300A to R2.2
238 Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
Do not save translations on an LSP.
These upgrade procedures require remastering the hard drive on the S8300B.
This can result in a service interruption of 3–4 hours, or up to 6 hours if IA770 is
being used.
You may skip some of the procedures described in this chapter depending on the
upgrade scenario. Watch for the skip to instructions.
Because of the replacement of the S8300A and the reformatting of the S8300B
hard drive, the Avaya Installation Wizard (IW) cannot support upgrades of
Communication Manager to release 2.2 when starting with the S8300A version.
However, the IW and the Upgrade Tool can still be used for the media gateway
and media module firmware upgrades.
Release 2.2 upgrade scenarios
The upgrade procedures are slightly different depending on the upgrade scenario. The main
differences between the scenarios are summarized in
Table 13
and are noted in the detailed
The unshaded cells in this table are the most common and recommended upgrade scenarios.
The shaded cells are scenarios that are unlikely or not recommended.
Table 13: Release 2.2 upgrade scenarios
Upgrade From
S8300 B Hard Drive has
Remastering Software
S8300 B Hard Drive has
R2.0.x Software Installed
R 1.x
Linux Migration backup
Remaster and upgrade
Linux Migration restore
Linux Migration backup
Linux Migration restore
R 2.0.x
Data backup
Remaster and upgrade
Data restore
Data backup
Data restore
Move hard drive from A to B