The extension of the text files depends on the extension of the binary graphic file as shown below:
Extension binary file Extension text-file
All text files start with a header with information for the graphic file that has been converted. The
header shows:
the comment line
the integration time
the number of scans that has been averaged
the number of pixels used for smoothing
the serial number of the spectrometer that was used to save the data
The data in a *.TRT file is given in two columns. The first column gives the wavelength in
nanometers, the second one the scope data.
The data in the *.TAT, *.TTT and *.TIT files is presented in five columns. The first column gives the
wavelength in nanometers. The second to fourth column give respectively the dark, reference and
scope data. The fifth column shows the calculated value for absorbance
(in a *.TAT file),
transmittance (in a *.TTT file) or irradiance (in a *.TIT file).
File Menu: Convert Graph - to ASCII Equi distance
This option requires that graphic files were
saved earlier by using the option File-Save
Experiment. After selecting the option “File/
Convert Graph/To ASCII – Equi distance”, the
wavelength range for which thedata should be
converted, and the distance between two
successive data points can be entered in the
dialog as shown at the right. After clicking the
OK button, you can select the files which need
to be converted. Selecting these files is the
same as for converting to ASCII without the equi
distance feature, as described above.
Also the information in the header file is the same as for converting to ASCII without the equi
distance feature. The data in the *.TRT, *.TAT, *.TTT and *.TIT files is presented in two columns.
The first column gives the equally spaced wavelength in nanometers. The second column shows the
interpolated value for scopedata (in a *.TRT file), absorbance
(in a *.TAT file), transmittance (in a
*.TTT file) or irradiance (in a *.TIT file).
File Menu: Exit
Closes AvaSoft.