Launching the software
AvaSoft can be started from Windows Start Menu. Under Start-programs, the group “AVANTES
Software” has been added. This group contains two icons. With the red “V” icon, AvaSoft is started.
The AvaSoft Help icon can be used to activate the AvaSoft help files (these help files can also be
activated from the Help menu after starting AvaSoft).
1.2.1 USB1 platform
After starting AvaSoft, the dialog at the right will be shown to indicate that the USB connection has
been detected (a similar dialog will be shown if the serial RS-232 interface is used):
If more than one AvaSpec spectrometer is connected to your PC, the
dialog at the right will be shown which allows you to select the
spectrometer serial number for which you want to use AvaSoft. With USB1
platform spectrometers you can run multiple spectrometers
simultaneously, just by restarting AvaSoft multiple times. After clicking
the OK button, the main window is displayed.
1.2.2 USB2 platform
After starting the AvaSoft 7 software, all connected spectrometers will be
recognized automatically and the serialnrs will appear as labels on the right hand of the screen.
After clicking the start button all connected spectrometers will be displayed in the main window.
Refer to section 3 for a description about the main window components. A “Quick Start” can be
found in section 1.3, if you want to start measuring immediately. Detailed information about the
menu options are found in section 3. Depending on the AvaSoft version (Basic or Full) and the extra
add-on modules that were ordered for your spectrometer, up to six applications are available in
AvaSoft-full, which are described in the separate AvaSoft-full manual:
History (standard in AvaSoft FULL)
Wavelength Calibration (standard in AvaSoft FULL)
Color Measurement (add-on module)
Irradiance Measurement(add-on module)
Process Control (add-on module)
Excel Output (add-on module)
Oxygen (add-on module)
Chemometry (add-on module)