Find peaks or valleys by CTRL or SHIFT + left mouse button click
This option can be used in all modes (Scope, Absorbance, Transmittance or Irradiance) and for all
displayed graphics. When the left mouse button is clicked in the graphical region, while the CTRL
key is down, AvaSoft will follow the following procedure to run to the closest peak:
The wavelength is determined from the position the mouse click occurred.
The data from closest pixel is retrieved
The direction to search for the peak is determined from the neighbor pixels. If both neighbor
pixels have a lower value at the Y-axis than the current pixel, the current pixel is already a
peak. If only one of the neighbor pixel values is higher then the current pixel value, the peak
will be searched in the direction of this higher pixel. If both neighbor pixels have a higher value
at the Y-axis than the current pixel, the current pixel is in a valley. The peak will in this case be
searched in the direction of this neighbor pixel with the highest value.
The cursor starts moving in the direction, as determined under 3), until it reaches a pixel of
which the value is not higher than the last one evaluated. At this pixel the cursor stops.
By holding down the SHIFT key instead of the CTRL key, the same procedure will be used to move to
the closest valley.
If more than one spectrum is being displayed, a dialog,
as shown at the right, pops up in which the spectrum
for which the peak finder needs to be activated can be
selected out of all displayed spectra.