Main Window
Menu bar
The menus and submenus are described in section 3.2
Button bar
-USB1 platform
-USB2 platform
Start/Stop button
The Start/Stop button can be used to display data real-time or to take a snapshot
Cursor button
After clicking the cursor button, a vertical line is displayed in the graph. If the mouse cursor is
placed nearby this line, the shape of the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to a „drag‟ shape. If
this shape is displayed, the left mouse button can be used to drag (keep left mouse button down)
the line with the mouse towards a new position. Moving this
line shows the corresponding values of wavelength and
amplitude in the main screen. As an alternative for dragging
the line, the small step and big step arrow buttons may be
used, or the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard. The
step size for the arrow buttons can be changed by holding
down the CTRL-key while clicking at a (single or double) arrow button.
Save reference and dark buttons
The reference button is the white button at the left top of the screen. It needs to be clicked to save
the reference data. The same result can be achieved with the option File-Save Reference. The dark
button is the black button at the left top of the screen. It needs to be clicked to save the dark data.
The same result can be achieved with the option File-Save Dark.
Save experiment button
By clicking the Save Experiment button an experiment is saved. The same result can be achieved
with the option File-Save Experiment.
Print button
By clicking the Print button a graph that is displayed on the monitor will be printed. The same result
can be achieved with the option File-Print.